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Hannah Harkness
Hey there, I'm Hannah. I'm just a college student studying to be a teacher, a lover of God's Word and ministry, a girl who loves to exercise but eats too much dark chocolate, and sometimes I snort when I laugh. I pray that these posts will be encouraging, helpful, and glorifying to the God I serve. Apart from Him, I can do nothing (John 15:5).
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Sunday, December 9, 2012

Hey, Stranger.

It's been a long time since I wrote on this... A lot has happened.
I've learned to accept that people come and go.
It really stinks.
Many of my closest friends either have gone to college or live far away. With it being my senior year, I've been thinking a lot about what a friend means to me. More specifically, how a friend actually stays my friend. So far, I don't really have a clue.
What's hard is that people change. They can't help it... It's natural. Even I've changed. If you really want to get technical, everyone's prefrontal cortex develops during the teenage years, and logical decisions and reasoning matures with aging. The brain learns how to socially interact in different environments. What's interesting is how everyone develops differently and how interests, desires, and attitudes can completely shift another direction. When God came into my life, I wanted my will to be aligned with His. So by getting to know Him more and serving Him, my interests, desires, and attitude changed so I could glorify Him with my life (then again, this is still a long work in progress). Following God is hard... You think you're walking and growing with some people along the way, but then there is a bump in the road and they've fallen behind. You want to stop and wait for them to catch up, but God has taught me that I just need to trust Him and know that He has a plan for them. The most I can do is pray for them and encourage them.
I've been really praying that God provides me with a friend I can grow with and enjoy life with, and trust in college. Last Friday, I received the wonderful news of my acceptance at Liberty University. Every single day I have been praying and getting really excited to go there next fall. Every part of me can not wait to be in an environment that will encourage me to grow in my walk with Christ and be surrounded by people who want to do the same and will encourage one another. It really is my dream. I know God has big plans for me there and I can not wait to faithfully accomplish them for His glory! But back to the subject- I really need a friend. More specifically- a girl who will keep me accountable and will be my best friend. The past couple months have been so rough. Coming home from a long day and wondering who to talk to stinks. This is what happens:
*Going through my phone* Should I text ____? No, they probably have other stuff to do, they're always really busy.
Maybe _____? Nah, when I talk to them, I feel like what I say goes through one ear and out the other.
______? Who am I kidding.. 
Not having someone to share life with and lean on is really hard.
Then, God burdened my heart...
He's my ultimate best friend.
I can talk to Him everyday through prayer, I can listen to what He has to say by reading the Bible-which is far by the BEST advice anyone can receive, and I can be reminded daily of His unfailing love for me.
"No one has greater love than this, that someone would lay down his life for his friends." -John 15:13
Now when I get really excited or really disappointed about something, my first instinct is to pray. I just casually talk to God and tell Him about my day and apologize for stupid things I might have said and ask for strength to not do that sin again. My favorite time of the day is when I'm by myself in my car and I can just pray out loud without thinking twice about it. It's like He's sitting in the passenger seat (Although- in my walk with Him, it should be obvious that I want Him to be the driver of my life haha just clarifying).
Overall, I think God used this opportunity so I could rely on Him more and grow in my relationship with Him. I can truly say now that He pretty much is my BESTEST friend and I know what's it's like to have that intimacy with my Heavenly Father when there seems like no one wants or is there to listen. I'm so grateful of my salvation through Jesus Christ and CAN'T WAIT TO GO TO LIBERTY.

Guys, I mean it when I say I think about Liberty every single day. #dailythought

My sister and I

Grace retreat 2012

Canessa :] First child I led to Christ

I like teaching bible lessons.. I get really into it